Posts Tagged ‘Memories’

My Memories of Canadian Geese and Other Nuisance Birds

I remember when I lived in Ohio, and the Canadian Geese were everywhere. They were especially a nuisance to homeowners who lived near ponds or had swimming pools in their backyards. Because their excrement was everywhere, fouling waterways and foiling plans for parties and get-togethers, homeowners often employed a bird control company to help rid the area of the birds. It was difficult to walk in yards in which the geese were present. The grass was difficult to care for as it grew higher where fertilized, yet hid a “landmine, ” so the homeowner had to proceed cautiously. I used to joke that we should check their “green cards” and send them back to Canada.The geese were aggressive to domestic animals and humans alike.

An unpleasant early memory was my eighth-grade class picnic. I teased a goose when I ran out of bread, and he grabbed my finger instead. The …